
You do not have sufficient privileges to delete [EXPERT FIX]

You do not have sufficient privileges to delete [EXPERT FIX]

When working on your Active Directory Users and Computers or ADUC, on your Windows Server, you might be faced with the You do not have sufficient privileges to delete or this object is protected from accidental deletion type of error. This message appears in the event that you're trying to delete and Organizational Unit or OU. Luckily we have a few solutions for you.

Here's how one user described the problem on TechNet Microsoft forum:

We've been getting a handful of calls lately from our Network Admins complaining that they can't delete computer accounts.

The get an Active Directory dialog box that states that they are a loser… ”You do not have sufficient privileges to delete XXXXXX”.

When it occurs, it affects all of the Adminis for the particular problem object in question.

How to fix You do not have sufficient privileges to delete error?

1. Use Advanced Features on ADUC

  1. Firstly, click on View and select Advanced Features.
  2. Now right-click on the OU you want to remove and then select Properties.
  3. Click on the Object.
  4. Simply uncheck the Protect object from accidental deletion.
  5. Now try to remove the OU in question.

2. Active Account solution

  1. Head over to the account's Security tab.
  2. Click on the Advanced button, and then we're going to uncheck the Include inheritable permissions from this object's parent box.
  3. Simply click OK afterward to close the properties dialog. Now you can go ahead with deleting the object again.

3. Convert date parameters

  1. Convert your date and time parameter.
  2. Try setting your date and time parameters to a String type in your units.

4. Remove custom date classes

  1. Head over to the unit's properties and remove the custom data classes.
  2. Remove any embedded units in the report with the use of the Microsoft Report Builder.

5. Check your connection

  1. Make sure that you are connected to the correct datasource.
  2. Make sure you're connected to the one that has the tables you need and you have the permission to access that datasource in question.

There you go, these are a couple of solutions that you might use to fix You do not have sufficient privileges to delete or this object is protected from accidental deletion error. Be sure to try all of our solutions and let us know if they worked for you.


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